Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Lardo Reprise

As if anyone should have yet another reason to not be overweight, a Swedish study gives us this:

Increased BMI Correlated with Dementia Risk in Men (abstract)

Here are the depressing numbers:
  • BMI between 22.50 and 25.00 carries with it a 1.73 increase in hazard ratio.
  • BMI between 25.00 and 27.49: a 1.93 increase
  • BMI between 27.50 and 29.99: 2.30 increase
  • BMI over 30.00: 2.54 increase
  • no elevated risk in men with BMI's below 20.00
Okay, I'm all for being healthy (to date, the goal is to keep your BMI between 18.5 and 25.0 for optimal health), but for me to get a BMI below 20 would require me to lose all body fat and lop off both legs at the hip.


Blogger thekatster said...

...and by then it wouldn't matter what your BMI would be seeing as you would be dead from bleeding out - unless you were having this done, say, cosmetically - doubtful that insurance would cover this particular elective procedure but we can all pray about it, think real hard, and .... what was the point? avoiding dementia ... gosh, diet coke amnesia again - enjoying your blog. much needed mental break, ciao bella.
the katster

3:45 PM  

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