Thursday, May 19, 2005

A River in Egypt

denial, an unconscious defense mechanism in which emotional conflict and anxiety are avoided by refusal to acknowledge those thoughts, feelings, desires, impulses, or facts that are consciously intolerable.


(Yes, yes, I know. Ba-dum-bump -- *tshhhhhh*)

I think I need to explore this aspect of my behavior. Whether it's a good idea to do it publicly here, I'm not sure - but I have this tendency to avoid potentially bad news by any means possible. Usually, this bad news is manifested as some form of rejection. The latest example was my total dread of reading my advisor's comments and corrections in my thesis introduction. I sent her a draft last Friday and she promised to get it back to me with corrections by Monday. Monday morning, her email arrived - I waited a good hour before opening it. I didn't want to read the bad news. Before reading it, I knew the contents of the email:

Seriously - are you trying at all? This introduction was such a lame attempt - it's incomplete blah blah blah and you need to add the following chapters blah blah blah.

Of course, I finally opened her email and what it really said was:

Your intro is quite good. However, you need to have a few pages on what has been done to characterize trans factors on the promoter and enhancer and answer the question of why the focus of the work was on PU and C/EBPβ. I left specific comments on your desk.

Well - that wasn't so bad. It could have been worse - I could have let her comments sit on my desk for another week, but time is not a luxury right now.

I'm wondering why my mind just defaults to expecting the worst. This extreme form of denial manifests itself in other ways in other aspects of my life. In the academic world, I never check my exam results, not wanting to see how poorly I've done, assuming that I've failed. Despite the fact that I haven't come close to failing, that things always turn out for the best, I can't get around these thought patterns.

Even worse, I feel, are the social anxieties. It doesn't take much, but I can withdraw from my social circle du jour in a split second. It's hard enough being one of the few single persons because you're always the individual that makes the group an odd number of people. On top of that, there's the issue of my performance within the group. Am I funny enough? Bright enough? Interesting? Or am I falling short in all categories and therefore justifying my bachelorhood to all witnesses? Just one sideways glance or awkward silence later, and I can sit there and come up with all the social faux pas that I've committed in the last several years that I'm sure everybody remembers and are adding to the ever-growing body of evidence that hanging out with Mikey is such a chore.

So I hide. I can usually come up with any number of excuses - feeling ill, too busy, writing a dissertation - but sometimes it's just an opportunity for me to get away from that performance anxiety I invariably get whenever I'm out with people I care about.

So there it is - if you think I'm avoiding you, you're mistaken. It's me avoiding - trying to avoid - my own petty insecurities.


Right now I'm listening to: Visions, Jakatta

A DJ mix album, Jakatta samples some themes from the music of American Beauty by Thomas Newman. Includes the track "My Vision" performed by Seal. The mood is really chill and downtempo, something that I need right now.


Blogger An Adversary said...

I'm serious Mike, FCBC (Fight Club Boston Chapter). I am going to open this in my basement and you and Kurt are going to get down until one of you can't see through his pounded swollen eyes. Then both of you can fight me at once! That and some valerian root, and you are going to be as sound as a pound, baby!

3:24 PM  
Blogger Mikey said...

Waitaminute....don't you have to blow up my apartment and teach me how to make soap first?

3:57 PM  
Blogger An Adversary said...

Well since you're writing, I figured I would burn all of your comic books and just try to get you to USE soap. Let's start small and see where it takes us.

7:27 PM  
Blogger An Adversary said...

P.S. You are NOT a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are all part of the same compost pile.

Am I helping yet?

7:31 PM  
Blogger Mikey said...

Almost. Two pitchers of beer would help. Nudge nudge wink wink.

8:24 PM  
Blogger An Adversary said...

Saturday. Barbeque. My place. Warsteiner mini-keg.

8:57 AM  
Blogger Mikey said...

The Day After. Still feeling bloated.

Half-pound burger sits
like cement in my bowels.
It was well worth it.

4:38 PM  
Blogger Dave (Dasro) said...

Speaking of withdrawing...holy crap, has it been this long since I read your blog everyday? Christ, I've been so busy. Or perhaps it is more than that. Perhaps you have a brethren in the social anxiety sphere. Mehehe. NOONE MUST EVER KNOW MUAHAHAH. Or something. I am sleepy.

8:46 AM  
Blogger Mikey said...

Okay, it looks like Dasro will be flying up to join us in our Fight Club nights.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1am to 5am.

2:17 PM  

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