Monday, May 16, 2005

Sleep Disorder

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
- Unknown

While writing this thesis, I've been trying to train myself to get to more normal sleep hours, but I've failed miserably to this point. Perhaps it's an age thing, but I can't do what I used to do when I was just a sapling, that is, just stay up through the day to go to bed at a reasonable hour that night. Nowadays, I feel my eyelids getting heavy, so I just lie down, hoping that a half-hour respite will clear the fog from my mind. Next thing I know, I've had a long, full 8-hour coma, and I'm wide awake even at 5am the next morning.

Yesterday (Sunday), I had the answer. I figured I'd hit the gym for a nice workout - regular exercise has always done wonders for my sleep cycle in the past, and I've certainly neglected exercise while concentrating on the dissertation. I made it, ran some errands, and felt like I'd accomplished quite a bit for the day. Looking at the clock, it was only 11am! Argh. Find a way to stay awake for the next 10 hours. I figure if I can make it until 9pm, I'll be okay.

The entire day, though, I'm too groggy. I do some thesis reading and formatting, but nothing outrageously productive. 8pm rolls around, and I can't keep my eyes open. I can't remember my head hitting the pillow. Unfortunately, that means I was wide awake at 2am, and wide awake now.

Anyway, that allows me time to create a new progress graph for your viewing displeasure:


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