Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Six Degrees of Separation

You're never too far away from great people. Obviously, to those of you who know me personally, I am not one of those people. BUT - I know people who know great people.

Last fall I participated in this massive marketing campaign for the video game Halo 2. If you dig around a little, you can hear my voice in one of the files (sounding like a total moron, as usual) on the campaign's website. No, I'm not telling you which one. The video game itself was cool, but the marketing campaign allowed me to meet some really cool people in the local Boston area. There were three of us who showed up the most often, and together we called ourselves Team Chowda. It turns out that one of our group (Will) was the personal assistant of Nobel Prize-winning author Saul Bellow, who recently passed away.

Obviously the last couple months for Will have been quite stressful. I'm sure that he's needed some time alone to deal, but I certainly have been too busy with this thesis stuff to even just write a note and check up on him. I finally got around to doing that today, and the good news is that he's doing alright.

The other good news is that you know someone (me) who knows someone (Will) who knew Saul Bellow.

The bad news is that I'm already this old and still haven't picked up a single Saul Bellow novel.


Blogger Dave (Dasro) said...

"uhhh, I think it's Crunchy peanut butter"
"I think it's funny you had to have your friends tell you the answer."

Who knew a member of team Chowda was the assistant to Saul Bellow. Although I am in the same boat as you, I have yet to pick upo a single novel either.

12:12 AM  
Blogger Mikey said...

You can't imagine the sheer terror that was coursing through my body when I realized that it was a live call. And then to have my sputtering forever immortalized for all to hear - man, that's just a slap in the face. I think I've definitely cultivated the reputation of being one of the...slower...beekeepers :)

8:00 AM  

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