Sunday, April 03, 2005


"If a man should conquer in battle a thousand and a thousand more, and another should conquer himself, his would be the greater victory, because the greatest of victories is the victory over oneself."

My friend Heather suggested that I post these deadlines - a public declaration of dates that hopefully will force some sort of perceived public pressure on my person so I can meet each one of them. The following three dates Barb calculated at reasonable intervals for me to meet, depending on the particular section of the dissertation that I'm working on. Having everything done by the first week of May would be nice - that would give Barb and the second reviewer plenty of time to go over the work and make any necessary corrections. I may even get in a little vacation before starting the surgery clerkship (keep your fingers crossed).

Here they are:
  • April 8: "Introduction" and "Materials & Methods" sections due.
  • April 20: "Results" section due.
  • May 6: "Discussion" section due.
So, should I miss any one of these, any of you reading are welcome to visit and publicly flog me. Or, if you can't get here, you're more than welcome to call me up and yell silly insults into my ear. Or if you can't manage that, you could always resort to sending me a nasty little email.

Now does anyone know where I can score a steady supply of Ritalin?


Blogger An Adversary said...

The dates are inscribed upon the calendar. I will personally hand you your ass should you fail to meet any one of these deadlines. But seriously, whatever personal motivation you should need, I can offer. I've got an independent bottling of a 12 year old Bowmore which I'm willing to offer glasses of as a proverbial carrot. Name your poison.

Incidentally, speaking of drugs, not that I would know such things, but if someone were looking to score some vitamin R, I imagine one would be well served by hanging out near a junior high. Of course, one might be mistaken for a pervert instead of a drug seeker, so I cannot counsel such activity. Maybe you should just brew up some coffee.

9:33 AM  
Blogger Mikey said...

I knew I could count on you for a good butt-whuppin'.

Regarding the vitamin R, I'd failed to foresee the pervert angle - perhaps caffeine dependence will be the safer route. Thanks for the warning :)

11:25 AM  

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