Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Haiku, youku, everybodyku

This is a brief haiku about a former technician in Barb's lab. Nice girl, but didn't really work out in lab so much. She usually arrived after noon and used the first hour at work to gab with anyone that would listen. She would spend more time talking about working than actually working - which didn't affect my project in any way, but what really got me was her laugh. She has one of those amazingly loud, piercing, ear-splitting laughs - a laugh that isn't there to necessarily say that something was funny, but also to remind us all that she's still here.

I wrote this poem in the summer of 2003 just before this technician left our lab. I resurrect the passage to remember her. So, knowing that my poetry is still very very amateurish, I present:

Haikus of a Prominent Technician

Two P.M. Almost.

When she most often appears.

IT is almost here.

The long hand nearly
points to the heavens - My eyes

are swollen with tears.

My ears scream in pain

a shrill laugh stabs at my spine!

Oh. She has arrived.

One more inane tale

from her wretched boring life.

Please stop. Please stop. Please.

blah blah blah Blah Blah.

Blah blah blahbitty BLAH BLAH!!!

Invest in earplugs.


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