Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Medicine Sub-I, Day 10: A Bloody Mess

That's right. Ten days into the Sub-I. Which also means that I should have washed my white coat, oh....about nine days ago. This thing could probably stand on its own and walk away right about now. There's a brownish splotch on my left sleeve that I'm certain has formed an imperialistic dictatorship, and I believe they're about to declare war on a small, innocuous blood/ketchup stain on my right lapel.

Sleeping Beauty, my CMO patient, is gone. No, she hasn't passed yet, but is going off to hospice. I had to pull out her femoral line before she left. My resident - Gerhardt - asks me if I want help. No, I answer, how hard could it be? Cut the stitches, pull out the line, and put pressure on the site. No problem! Yeah. No problem. But jeez these femoral lines bleed like a MoFo.


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