Thursday, September 29, 2005

Sinking Fast

Medicine Clerkship Day 4: Still overwhelmed and now seriously questioning whether I have what it takes to be in medicine.

It's amazing how much I don't know. Actually, maybe it's not so amazing. I don't know. That's another thing I don't know. The list keeps growing. Here is a list of topics that I wrote down just from clinic today - all of which need serious review on my part (in order of when I discovered that I knew way too little about each):
  • How to present my patients during rounds
  • Fanconi's syndrome
  • hypomagnesemia
  • hyperkalemia
  • β agonists
  • acidosis
  • alkalosis
  • homocysteine
  • homocysteine and its association with cardiovascular disease
  • homocysteine and its association with peripheral vascular disease
  • homocysteine and its association with vitamin B12 deficiency
  • diuretics
  • the renal system
  • electrolytes (yes, all of them)
  • portal hypertension
  • metabolic acidosis caused by ethylene glycol and the fact that calcium oxalate crystals appear in the urine because of the aforementioned ethylene glycol
  • anion gap
  • the thoracic duct
You see, I think building that medical 'fund of knowledge' is like building a dam. Um, like, the water is the knowledge, and...uh...the bricks are like the - hmm - and I don't have any mortar...well, you know what I mean, I think. I'd carry on with this analogy but I really don't know how (add yet another item to the ever-growing list). Plus I have way too much reading to do.


Blogger thekatster said...


if you shave? I don't think you should shave until you've learned all of those wrote.

oh yeh?
well I double dog dare ya!

kat ;)

I think you're doing great just being where you are in life. how bout that? bet you're reading so you won't know about this until like you're done reading.

10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, Mike, probably everybody in your spot's got that feeling - they just don't own up to it,

or publish it on the internet for their adoring fans to gawk at.

You're honest about what you're working on, you're working on it, and...was it an intentional pun, that bit about the bricks? Because people make bricks out of mud...

(the new title is very good)

Now tell me, when you present your patients, do you use the words "TA DAAAH" ?! Hmmm? Well, then, it's probably not quite as bad as you fear.

10:56 PM  
Blogger mikey's sister said...

Mike, you know we love you, but . . . the last time you grew a rally beard? it wasn't so pretty. just sayin'.


11:24 PM  
Blogger Mikey said...

kat said:
if you shave? I don't think you should shave until you've learned all of those wrote.

mikey's sister said:
Mike, you know we love you, but . . . the last time you grew a rally beard? it wasn't so pretty. just sayin'.

Yeah, kat. Fortunately for you, you missed the time when I refused to shave until I got an experiment to work. Three months of pathetic growth on my face. There will NOT be a repeat performance.

Lia said:
You know, Mike, probably everybody in your spot's got that feeling - they just don't own up to it, or publish it on the internet for their adoring fans to gawk at.

Good point. You know...the day will probably come when I regret something that I wrote in my blog. Oh, wait a minute...

was it an intentional pun, that bit about the bricks? Because people make bricks out of mud...

No, purely unintentional. See, I don't even know when I'm making a pun. Do you see what a vicious cycle of ignorance I'm wallowing in????

(the new title is very good)

At last - I can sleep at night ;)

Now tell me, when you present your patients, do you use the words "TA DAAAH" ?! have something there. I'M TOTALLY DOING THAT!!!! My evaluations should ROCK!!!!

12:02 AM  
Blogger An Adversary said...

Have you thought, Mike, that you could play off your ignorance as Socratic irony? Look to the truth of the Delphic Oracle from Plato's Apology and realize that you are most wise because you are AWARE of your ignorance. Those of your classmates who claim a "knowledge" in internal medicine are likely just ignorant of their ignorance. Thus you are most wise among third years and the best goddamn med student they have! *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* Go Mike! Go Mike! Rah rah rah!!

2:31 PM  
Blogger Mikey said...

Well, that's a kind interpretation. I'm not sure that merely being aware of my ignorance necessarily elevates me above anyone. As a matter of fact, they say that you can be totally wrong on something - but if you say it confidently enough, you can get the attendings, residents, and interns all to
a) believe you, or
b) at least run to the nearest computer to Google the topic in question.

Perhaps I just need to be more stubborn.

2:37 PM  
Blogger mikey's sister said...

It's too bad I can't lend you any of my God-given taurean/born-year-of-the-ox stubborness. But then again, they would only come in handy if you were a loud sort of person.


1:19 AM  
Blogger thekatster said...

kat's moving to Atlanta today - to pick up her dogs, one; to rest while interviewing and applying for work in Phoenix, two; and because she can, three -

I'll be checking like everyday now that I'll be in a place that has access 100% of the time.

Mikey's sister - hey, I'm a taurus, too! we're the best. and I'm loud - I'm sure that's a difficult one to imagine.

11:03 AM  
Blogger thekatster said...

made it to a'lanna - definately missed the exit that takes you to the 400 - went WAAY out of my way north on 85. Thank goodness for knowledgable and friendly chevron people.

so, off to sleep now.

2:09 AM  
Blogger thekatster said...

missin ya mikey - just a general head nod letting us know brain is still firing.

10:11 PM  

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