Friday, July 29, 2005

Frist's Reversal

...isn't really a reversal, as I'll point out later. But....there are those who don't consider medical doctors to be real scientists. And really - could you blame them considering the misinformation that the Senate Majority Leader has dished out?

Let's look at the most recent gaffes:
  • Spreading misinformation about the spreading of HIV-1, Senator Frist backed up the claims of several government funded abstinence programs, which claimed among other things, that condoms are ineffective in preventing the spread of STDs, and that AIDS can be transmitted through contact with sweat and tears.
  • Being able to openly question the diagnosis of neurologists' diagnosis of Terri Schiavo, merely by watching videotape for 1 hour in his office.
After these incidents, the American public is absolutely right to question what sort of physicians that medical schools are turning out nowadays. Rest assured, there are quite a few bright people in medicine, and I am confident in thinking that Dr. Frist's positions on the above issues have more to do with his need to further his political career by catering to the Religious Right.

Supporters like to point out Dr. Frist's yearly trips to sub-Saharan Africa to provide free medical care to the needy. Which is great, but I'm not sure if one can justify that tradeoff. Save hundreds of people in Africa and you get to misinform thousands of young people about HIV transmission? Where's the logic in that???

Then there's the videotape 'diagnosis' of Terri Schiavo. Never mind that Dr. Frist trained as a cardiothoracic surgeon, not as a neurologist. I've yet to complete the clinical part of medical school, but I don't think that this "remote video diagnosis" is part of the curriculum. Actually, I think it requires no training whatsoever. It's easy! After watching videotape of the first Presidential debate between Senator John Kerry and President George W. Bush in 2004, I was pretty certain that President Bush was mentally retarded. See? Anyone can do it!

Anyway, I'm cautiously optimistic about the news that Dr. Frist is reaffirming his position in expanding support for stem cell research. He has differed (quietly) from the Bush administration on this issue, but deferred to the wishes of the President in recent years. Perhaps, after pushing conservative Christian views only to achieve laughable results, Dr. Frist is trying to appeal to a more moderate base. It should be interesting to watch.


What I'm listening to now: Astro Lounge, Smashmouth


Blogger thekatster said...

hey, I liked reading this post - perhaps it's because I've not seen or heard an educated voice in my life for like, (how long have I been absent from posting?) - that long. And so, just wanna say thanks bub.


p.s. Who only has until Thursday to partay?? mmm...thinking...thinking...that would be YOU! you rock - have a great last five days dealing with this shizzit.

halla kinjo - thanks for the shoutout on a previous post :)

4:20 PM  
Blogger Mikey said...

I'm not so edumacated. For a real perspective on current events, read Kinjo's blog.

And, yes. I'll be partaying hard Thursday PM. You should come. :)

5:27 PM  

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