Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Medicine Sub-I, Day 23: Yin-Yang

If you can't say anything nice...

Sometimes no matter what, you're a target. Just a white coat with a big-ass BULLSEYE on the back. I was sitting down, writing a progress note, when one of my patients sauntered up to me with one of her family members in tow. Said family member began to growl at me, at the quality of medical care in general, and also complaining that the patient was unhappy with the quality of care, which was news to me. I asked if she could be more specific. She couldn't, and proceeded to tell me that one doctor told her one thing, then another told her another thing. Again, I asked, could she be more specific, then maybe I could better address her concerns. She couldn't, then asked me if I was a 'real' doctor or an 'intern' doctor. Neither, I replied, I'm a sub-intern, but I'm the most heavily involved in the patient's care. At which point she told me that she didn't want to talk to me but then proceeded to bitch and moan at me some more, anyway.

Without being more specific (and thus violating health privacy laws), all I can say is...it's really hard not to hate people sometimes.

Every dog has its day...

Evaluation day for me, as my attending is leaving the service. So we spent some time talking about my performance during the sub-internship. I'm pleased with the evaluation. Again, same old same old with the constructive criticism - I'm the quiet type, I could pipe up more. Whatever. I'll move on to residency and strike a blow for all the quiet types out there.


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