Friday, September 03, 2004

The ground comes up to meet me

Reality is a harsh mistress.

My cells are miserable. The cells I described in my first post are pretty much dead. I did everything I could to save them, but it was not meant to be. Perhaps I just prolonged the inevitable and merely added to their suffering. Good night, R.I.P., don't let the door hit you in the ... on the way out. Stupid cells.

My Go-To cells aren't exactly healthy either - they're just sitting there, not growing, not dying, just...sitting. What did I ever do to you guys to deserve this? I feed you, make sure you don't spend too much time wallowing in your own waste, and all I get from you is aggravation. Ungrateful wretches.

However, what scares me the most is the fact that I just make too many darn mistakes. Several mistakes this last week ended up costing me time. Mislabeling tubes, forgetting to process a certain sample in parallel with others, forgetting to turn on the rotation in the hybridization oven - this stuff sets me back hours every time. All of a sudden, a three-day experiment turns into a 4-day experiment. Time's not a luxury for many people, and if I'm going to get back into 3rd year in June 2005, I can't be booting this many experiments.

Guess I'll be working this weekend. Have a nice Labor Day.


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